Seven Mistakes to Avoid when using Paint Meter for Cars

Time:2020/01/13 14:14:00 Browse:807

Mistake 1-Incorrect gestures using paint meter for cars

The gesture of holding the car paint meter affect the accuracy of the coating thickness gauge.  In short, you need to make the probe flush with the surface being measured. When measuring, press the probe vertically on the surface of car paint. We have seen many used car appraisers tilt or shake when using coating thickness gauge . If there is space between the probe and the vehicle, the measured data is not accurate. Linshang LS220 paint meter for cars is designed with a groove part, just pinch the groove with your finger and then press it vertically on the car paint surface.

car paint meters
car paint meters

Mistake 2-Choose to believe in car inspection experience

Most second-hand car appraisers boast a wealth of experience in car inspection and tend to believe that their judgments are correct. And a small number of people look down on those who use automotive paint meters . Eventually, when they started using the instrument, they found that the data measured by the instrument was often scientifically based. So when you start using the instrument, believe it. Scientific data is intuitive, we can just measure the car paint thickness and show the data to the customers.

Mistake 3-Interesting story of automotive paint meter

Without a paint meter will cost you a lot. Going to car inspection or buying a car without a paint meter is like going to the battlefield without a gun. A client once shared this story with us. He was going to buy a second-hand Lecasas from his good friend. His friends told him it was just a little paint on the engine compartment cover. The client felt that his friend was right, but when he went out, he forgot to bring the Linshang paint meter. After thinking, he decided to go home and get his instrument. As a result, a paint meter was found and the car's left front fender was also repainted, but his friend did not tell him. After discussion, he bought the car at a suitable price. Without the help of Linshang paint meter for cars, he might have to spend an extra 10,000 RMB.

Mistake 4-Forget to replace new battery

Some customers have put the car paint meter into use after only using it once or twice. After a year and a half, we used it again and found that the battery was insufficient. Therefore, if the paint meter is not suitable for a long time, we recommend removing the battery.

Mistake 5-How to identify used car by car paint meter?

Many people think that the paint thickness of cars is the same. The most common question we encounter is "How thick is the original paint for this car?" To successfully use the instrument, we must learn to measure different parts of the car. Then use the measured car paint thickness to analyze which parts of the car have been repaired. Usually there are few accidents on the roof, so we can use the paint film thickness of the roof as a reference value without knowing the original car paint. The original paint thickness of most cars is about 100 μm.

Bluetooth car paint meter
Bluetooth car paint meter

Mistake 6-Pay attention to the measured paint thickness

If you are measuring a car with an original paint thickness of 140 μm and you suddenly find that only 110 microns is measured in one place, it may be that this part has been replaced. The body repair shop may be too thinly painted. Therefore, it is not only the paint film that is too thick that needs our attention, but the value that is too low also needs attention.

Mistake 7-When the problem is found, the car door frame is not checked in time

When finding a painted door panel, the first thing you should check is the adjacent door frame. You will find that the thickness of the door frame of almost every car (except for a few very expensive cars) is about 1/2 the thickness of the rest of the door. If the thickness of the original car paint you are inspecting is 120 μm, the thickness of the door frame is typically 60 μm. If the door frame is repainted, you can be sure that the car has suffered severe damage.
