A Waterproof UV Probe—Waterproof Light Meter

Time:2019/05/13 08:54:00 Browse:801

Linshang LS125+UVC-WP UV probe is a waterproof light meter. Water resistant to 1 meter, it can be directly placed in sewage treatment equipment for testing, or placed in an open and humid environment.

Ultraviolet sterilization is a traditional sterilization method. Currently, the most commonly used germicidal lamp on the market is ultraviolet low-pressure mercury lamp with a peak wavelength of 253.7 nm. 

The detection of the sterilization effect of the ultraviolet germicidal lamp is related to the irradiation intensity of the ultraviolet light source. After the ultraviolet lamp is used for a period of time, the intensity is attenuated. Therefore, the UV waterproof light meter is required to periodically detect the irradiation intensity of the ultraviolet germicidal lamp.

waterproof light meter

UV disinfection and water sterilization are widely used. In addition to common sterilization and water treatment, some open-air environmental monitoring stations also use ultraviolet detection equipment, but the open-air inspection station is humid, and the ultraviolet intensity detector is electronic. Waterproof light meter is also necessary.

The LS125+UVC-WP UV probe independently developed by Linshang Technology is a waterproof light meter. Water resistant to 1 meter, it can be directly placed in sewage treatment equipment for testing or placed in an open and humid environment for inspection. The measuring range can reach 200000uw/cm2, so it can also meet the irradiation intensity measurement of high-power germicidal lamps.

In addition to this UVC-WP waterproof light meter, several other UV light meters can be waterproofed if required by the customer. To select the best UV meter, please read "How to Select the Best UV Light Meter For Your Application?".
